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Category: Dry Eye

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Waking Up with Dry Eyes: 5 Ways to Get Relief

A person laying in bed covers their eyes due to dry eye discomfort.

Waking up and facing the world should be invigorating, yet for many, it starts with a struggle against dry eyes. This condition affects millions globally, impacting daily routines and productivity. If you are among those who greet each day with gritty, irritated eyes, you can find relief. You can manage your dry eyes by: For […]

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Why Does my Eye Hurt When I Blink?

Young man with a stressed expression pressing at his closed eyes with both hands.

Experiencing eye pain when you blink can be both uncomfortable and worrying. It’s important to understand the potential causes of this discomfort in order to address the issue effectively. The various reasons why your eye might hurt when you blink includes: At Chestermere Optometry, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality eye […]

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Is Your Eye Redness from Allergies or Dry Eye?

A young girl is blowing her nose in a napkin, with red eyes due to allergies

Eye allergies and dry eyes are 2 conditions that affect many Canadians at some point in their lives. Both these conditions can present with red eyes, along with other uncomfortable symptoms, which we will discuss below. Red eyes alone are not typically enough to determine which condition is affecting your eyes, but taking other symptoms […]

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