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Does Your Child Have Pink Eye or Eye Allergies?

A close-up image of a child's face with pink eye in both eyes.

Children often face health concerns as they grow; their eyes are no exception. Two common eye issues in children are pink eye and eye allergies. While pink eye and eye allergies look similar and cause your child’s eyes to appear red and irritated, there are differences between these conditions. Pink eye caused by bacteria produces […]

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How to Treat Dry Eyes for Contact Lens Wearers

A person in front of their computer rubbing their eyes due to dry eye symptoms.

If you’ve experienced dry eyes while wearing contact lenses, you’re not alone. It’s a common issue that affects many contact lens wearers, causing varying levels of discomfort that can range from mild irritation to severe discomfort. Dry eyes can occur due to several factors, such as prolonged screen time, environmental conditions like wind or dry […]

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What Does 20/40 Vision Mean?

Using a Snellen chart, a mature patient's visual acuity is measured by their optometrist during their routine eye exam.

Our visual acuity determines how clear and sharp we see the world around us. High visual acuity allows individuals to perceive fine details, which is helpful for tasks that require precision.  The numbers in visual acuity measurements represent a ratio. The first number is the distance you see an object clearly, while the second is […]

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Waking Up with Dry Eyes: 5 Ways to Get Relief

A person laying in bed covers their eyes due to dry eye discomfort.

Waking up and facing the world should be invigorating, yet for many, it starts with a struggle against dry eyes. This condition affects millions globally, impacting daily routines and productivity. If you are among those who greet each day with gritty, irritated eyes, you can find relief. You can manage your dry eyes by: For […]

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Why Does my Eye Hurt When I Blink?

Young man with a stressed expression pressing at his closed eyes with both hands.

Experiencing eye pain when you blink can be both uncomfortable and worrying. It’s important to understand the potential causes of this discomfort in order to address the issue effectively. The various reasons why your eye might hurt when you blink includes: At Chestermere Optometry, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality eye […]

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Are Children’s Eye Exams Free in Alberta?

A young boy smiling during his vision assessment at his routine eye exam.

Visiting your optometrist for comprehensive eye exams is a valuable tool in caring for vision and eye health.  The Province of Alberta recognizes this importance, which is why comprehensive eye exams are covered once a year for children until they turn 19 years old. Importance of Comprehensive Eye Exams  The importance of comprehensive eye exams […]

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How Much Is an Eye Exam in Calgary?

A young girl with her left hand covering her left eye while performing a Snellen vision test.

Eye Exams Are Health Care Eye care is an essential part of health care as eye exams assess more than your vision. Optometrists can detect many health conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and brain tumours, during routine eye exams. Children’s eye exams help monitor visual development, giving your child the best chance for lifelong […]

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Can Vision Therapy Cure Strabismus?

A close-up image of a person's crossed eyes due to strabismus.

Strabismus, or crossed eyes, is a common condition that causes the eyes to point in different directions, giving the appearance that a person is looking in two directions at once. There are plenty of different types of strabismus, and fortunately, there may be an answer: vision therapy. Vision therapy aims to strengthen the connection between […]

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