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Category: Eye Health Articles

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Does Your Child Have Pink Eye or Eye Allergies?

A close-up image of a child's face with pink eye in both eyes.

Children often face health concerns as they grow; their eyes are no exception. Two common eye issues in children are pink eye and eye allergies. While pink eye and eye allergies look similar and cause your child’s eyes to appear red and irritated, there are differences between these conditions. Pink eye caused by bacteria produces […]

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Are Children’s Eye Exams Free in Alberta?

A young boy smiling during his vision assessment at his routine eye exam.

Visiting your optometrist for comprehensive eye exams is a valuable tool in caring for vision and eye health.  The Province of Alberta recognizes this importance, which is why comprehensive eye exams are covered once a year for children until they turn 19 years old. Importance of Comprehensive Eye Exams  The importance of comprehensive eye exams […]

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Are Eye Exams Free for Seniors in Alberta?

A senior woman smiling at the camera while having an eye exam with an optometrist.

Under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP), seniors aged 65 or older are eligible for 1 comprehensive eye exam every 12 months. But an important note is that although the exam itself is covered, additional tests to help screen for macular degeneration, glaucoma, and retinal diseases, and any additional needs, such as prescription glasses […]

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What Are the First Signs of Cataracts?

A close-up of two eyes. The eye in the left has cataracts and the one on the right is healthy

Cataracts are a prevalent issue in vision care, particularly among older adults. While they can be a natural part of aging, they are not any less disruptive to your overall health. They can lead to blindness and are already a reality for over 2.5 million Canadians. As we age, the eye’s lens starts to yellow […]

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Understanding Refractive Errors & How to Treat Them

a child has an eye exam done to treat refractive errors

Despite being so small, our eyes are powerful machines. If your vision is blurry or fuzzy and you or your child come in for an eye exam, there’s a good chance you’ll discover you have a refractive error. A refractive error is a broad category of conditions in which the eye cannot clearly focus light, […]

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When Should Children Have Their First Eye Exam

a toddler sits on his mothers lap while having an eye exam done by an optometrist

Learning at school is heavily done through visual tools. Because of this, vision problems can play a significant role in learning problems. It’s important to book your child’s eye exam to detect early vision issues, such as myopia.  Most vision problems do not have easily recognizable symptoms, and the signs presented can be confused with […]

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3 Treatments to Reduce Myopia Progression

a hand holds a pair of glasses in front of two plants each taking up one lens of the glasses the image except for the plants are out of focus

Vision care starts at a young age, and managing eye conditions that typically develop from childhood, such as myopia, is essential. Consistent eye exams can help your optometrist stay familiar with your children’s ever-changing vision.  Let’s explore myopia, some symptoms, and 3 treatments to help reduce myopia progression.  What Is Myopia? Myopia, also known as […]

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Who Should You See For Emergency Eye Care?

Women with broken blood vessel in eye which needs emergency visit to optometrist

Eye care emergencies can be a challenging experience. When you experience an eye emergency, the last thing you want to do is hesitate—you must take action quickly and visit your optometrist. Knowing what eye care emergencies entail and knowing some of the most common problems can help you be prepared. Emergency eye care visits are […]

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