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Category: Myopia

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What Does 20/40 Vision Mean?

Using a Snellen chart, a mature patient's visual acuity is measured by their optometrist during their routine eye exam.

Our visual acuity determines how clear and sharp we see the world around us. High visual acuity allows individuals to perceive fine details, which is helpful for tasks that require precision.  The numbers in visual acuity measurements represent a ratio. The first number is the distance you see an object clearly, while the second is […]

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3 Treatments to Reduce Myopia Progression

a hand holds a pair of glasses in front of two plants each taking up one lens of the glasses the image except for the plants are out of focus

Vision care starts at a young age, and managing eye conditions that typically develop from childhood, such as myopia, is essential. Consistent eye exams can help your optometrist stay familiar with your children’s ever-changing vision.  Let’s explore myopia, some symptoms, and 3 treatments to help reduce myopia progression.  What Is Myopia? Myopia, also known as […]

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