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Category: Eye Conditions

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Waking Up with Dry Eyes: 5 Ways to Get Relief

A person laying in bed covers their eyes due to dry eye discomfort.

Waking up and facing the world should be invigorating, yet for many, it starts with a struggle against dry eyes. This condition affects millions globally, impacting daily routines and productivity. If you are among those who greet each day with gritty, irritated eyes, you can find relief. You can manage your dry eyes by: For […]

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Why Does my Eye Hurt When I Blink?

Young man with a stressed expression pressing at his closed eyes with both hands.

Experiencing eye pain when you blink can be both uncomfortable and worrying. It’s important to understand the potential causes of this discomfort in order to address the issue effectively. The various reasons why your eye might hurt when you blink includes: At Chestermere Optometry, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality eye […]

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What Are the First Signs of Cataracts?

A close-up of two eyes. The eye in the left has cataracts and the one on the right is healthy

Cataracts are a prevalent issue in vision care, particularly among older adults. While they can be a natural part of aging, they are not any less disruptive to your overall health. They can lead to blindness and are already a reality for over 2.5 million Canadians. As we age, the eye’s lens starts to yellow […]

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Retinal Detachments & Their Relation to Eye Flashes & Floaters

Experiencing objects floating in our vision, or the sudden appearance of lights, can be alarming. With that being said, these occurrences are usually harmless. The sensation of floating specs, dots, or lines in your vision are called floaters. The sudden appearance of flashing lights are called flashes. What are Flashes & Floaters in Eyes? Although […]

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Does My Kid Need Blue Light Glasses?

A boy is wearing blue light-blocking glasses while using a computer laptop during his online class.

With screen time on the rise, many people are struggling with digital eye strain. This is an increasingly prevalent problem for children as well, with many schools adopting online learning, and laptops and phones used for entertainment. One of the most prominent problems with more screen time is our increased exposure to blue light — […]

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3 Treatments to Reduce Myopia Progression

a hand holds a pair of glasses in front of two plants each taking up one lens of the glasses the image except for the plants are out of focus

Vision care starts at a young age, and managing eye conditions that typically develop from childhood, such as myopia, is essential. Consistent eye exams can help your optometrist stay familiar with your children’s ever-changing vision.  Let’s explore myopia, some symptoms, and 3 treatments to help reduce myopia progression.  What Is Myopia? Myopia, also known as […]

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